Hey, I'm Johnie Hjelm! I'm 32 years old, currently living in Solna, Stockholm with my beloved girlfriend and have more than 15 years of experience in the tech industry. I've journeyed from a high school intern to a Technical Lead Manager, overcoming the unique hurdles posed by my physical disability along the way. My initial experience at a web agency sparked a self-taught path in web development, fueling my conviction that technology has the power to better lives. In my current role, I put a strong emphasis on both personal and professional development within my team.
Leadership Mantra
My leadership mantra is straightforward: stay humble, stay hungry. This philosophy is at the core of every project I oversee and every team I lead. The goal is not just to build exceptional products, but also to cultivate an environment that nurtures growth and development in individuals.
Inclusivity in Tech
In my personal endeavors, I'm committed to making the tech industry more inclusive through my initiative, Crip in Tech. By focusing on inclusivity, I aim to help others overcome their own challenges, enriching the tech community with more crips.
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Johnie Hjelm is a creative Technical Lead with over 16 of experience in the technology sector. As a self-educated Fullstack Web Developer, he has forged a remarkable career journey characterized by his dedication to uplifting individuals and teams. Johnie is celebrated for his practical leadership and open communication approach, consistently steering projects toward success. Aside from his professional successes, he is the innovative founder of Crip in Tech, a pioneering program aimed at improving inclusivity within the tech industry for those with physical disabilities. Johnie's distinctive mix of technical expertise, leadership abilities, and advocacy efforts makes him a transformative influence in the sector, promoting both technological progress and workplace diversity.
Current Preferred Technologies
I prefer using the following technologies for projects:
What I Value
I love when things fit together well and deliver value.
It can be a group of people working well together, a piece of code shipped without bugs, a well-crafted design, a great piece of software architecture, an elegant solution to a user's problem… if it works well and serves a purpose, then I'll be proud to be associated with it!
Because of this I like optimising things — no matter the thing. Meetings need to be focused and interesting, code without bugs, processes simple and clear. I'm a big believer in continuous improvement and learning from mistakes.
In a work environment, I value…
- Working with a group of genuinely nice & interesting people
- The positive real life impact our work can have
- Work well done, meaning code that doesn't crash, clear specifications, effective design…
- People who keep learning and are curious about all parts of the organisation
- Team members who challenge ideas in a constructive and healthy way
- Autonomous people proactively taking ownership and accountability
- Honesty, humility, good faith, transparency and openness to dialog
- An ethical approach to problems and solutions
- A sane work/life balance
- Diversity coming in many forms, like gender but also nationality and disability
- Continuous improvement for both systems and peoples